Finger Ladder for Physiotherapy Excercise


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Wall-mounted finger and shoulder ladder offers progressive mobility of arm at shoulder, elbow and wrist joints

• PHYSICAL THERAPIST APPROVED: The Finger and Shoulder Ladder is the ideal tool to help with physical therapy and/or strengthening exercises. It offers progressive mobility of the arm at the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints.
• RECOVERY: This device is a great option for patients who have had hand and/or shoulder surgery. It also works well for those who have suffered an injury and need to improve Range-of-Motion capabilities.
• PROGRESSIVE EXERCISE: The ladder has different steps at some intervals that is perfect for patients who need to improve progressive mobility of their elbow, shoulder, and/or wrist joints.
• EASY TO INSTALL: Sturdy and solid, the unit has pre-drilled holes, making this device perfect for mounting on the wall.
• PROFESSIONALLY DESIGNED: The Finger and Shoulder Ladder is an essential for use in Physical Therapy offices, Clinics, Hospitals and Gyms. It would even be a wonderful asset as an addition to your own home.

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