Electronic Baby Feeder Sterilizer BY-76 Beurer


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The Baby Feeder Sterilizer BY-76 is the ideal helper if you have babies or infants. It takes seven minutes to disinfect up to six bottles and accessories and eliminate all dangerous household bacteria.
• Removal of all dangerous household microorganisms
• The remaining sterilization time is easily visible, thanks to the digital display.
• featuring an LED display
• In seven minutes, up to six bottles and accessories can be disinfected.
• If the lid is closed, the contents stay sterile for three hours.
• sterilizes without the use of chemicals
• Safe accessories for dishwashers
• Measurement jug, tongs, and detachable bottle grid
• Aural and optical signals
• Winder for cables
• Turn off automatically
All parents desire to give their children the most incredible start in life.
Babies are still developing immunity to the various pollutants our adult bodies are used to facing and avoiding when they are young.
Using a bottle sterilizer to prevent harmful bacteria from spreading during feeding time will help your baby’s immune system and delicate digestive tract.

Some of the most prevalent illnesses brought on by bacteria that are removed by a bottle dryer and sterilizer include the following:
• Foodborne illness
• Urticaria
• Acute Hepatitis
• Spitting
• Hepatitis
• Red stomach
Although there’s no guarantee that your child won’t be exposed to these germs in the future, using a bottle sterilizer until age one is a typical recommendation. This will enable your child to build immunity progressively, hopefully avoiding the uncomfortable (and potentially hazardous) side effects of these and other bacterial infections.

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