
LED Magnifier Luminaire ACEM USA


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• Circled has ideal for each use where light and clearness of details are needed it can be utilized in the medical, dental, dermatologic and cosmetic sector.
• Circled is a LED magnifier luminaire suitable for countless fields of application. Circled is easy to be moved and positioned and has a easy and functional design.
• LEDs produce a white IR free light without heat that does not change colors and can be utilized for several purposes.
• The 7 new generation LEDs with an average life cycle of about 50.000 hours provide an optimal lighting with a considerable costs decrease in terms of power consumption and maintenance.
• Circled is supplied with biconvex magnifier made of scratch resistant optical glass with a diameter of 120 mm and a magnification of 3 diopters.
• It is a perfect tool for a factual control of details.

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